NahamCon CTF 2022 (Writeup) — Android Reverse Engineering (OTP Vault)

import APK to JADX then open MainActivity

since the app uses React Native (by checking the comment and import) we need to reverse the app differently.

because react-native is a JavaScript framework I tried to unzip the OTPVault.apk

Go to assets then open using notepad / VS Code

copy all the code then beautify it at Online JavaScript beautifier or using built-in VS Code to make it more readable

while searching “OTP” I found juicy code on line 31982 and line 31989

since I got the endpoint to get OTP and the token, I use postman to call it with this configuration

Method: GET


Auth: Bearer Token KMGQ0YTYgIMTk5Mjc2NzZY4OMjJlNzAC0WU2DgiYzE41ZDwN

then….. the result status is 200 and the flag shown


